While you are correct to assume the Olympic Stadium never hosted the global games, the National Sports Complex, within which the 50,000-seat outdoor stadium sits, also includes an 8,000-seat indoor arena, tennis courts, a swimming pool, and fields surrounded by a track, which collectively could host a major international event.

In fact, the smaller arena does hold regular Khmer-boxing and volleyball matches and friendly soccer games and other festive events. Famed Cambodian architect Vann Molyvann designed the stadium, which was built in the 1960s during Cambodia’s pre-civil war colonial hey-day.

Located in the western part of Phnom Penh, the National Sports Complex and Olympic Stadium can be reached by tuk tuk or motodop taxi.

  • What is It?: A sports complex including the 50,000 seat Olympic Stadium and 8,000 seat Indoor Arena.
  • When to Go: Any time to appreciate the architecture or watch pick-up games of sports; otherwise, whenever special sporting events are held.
  • Nearest Town: Located in the eastern part of downtown Phnom Penh.
  • Don’t Miss: A match by the Cambodian Disabled Vollyeball team (when they are playing).
  • Trivia: A pair of world cup qualifying matches were held at the Olympic Stadium between Australia and North Korea in 1965.
  • Opening hours: Public sports fields are typically open daylight hours and evenings depending on event schedule.
  • Entrance fees: Typically free