Kampong Speu Province Travel Guide

Located in the southwest of Cambodia, the province of Kampong Spœ lies at the bottom of the Dâmreia Mountains and features a sleepy capital town of the same name. The muddy Tnaôt River provides a lifeline for the residents, who can be seen bathing, fishing and boating there throughout the year.

Kampong Spœ features beautiful scenery of mountains, rivers and a little forest covering, but that is where the attractions end. Rarely visited by foreigners, the traditional countryside of the picturesque province holds almost no interesting attractions for the outsider.

Wooing the traveler with little more than its charming scenery and lovely people, Kampong Spœ is well accessed from Phnom Penh and Kampong Saon, the country’s most important sea port. Home stay accommodations are available throughout the province.