Dubbed the ‘Eternal City’, Italy’s capital is one of the most unique cities on the planet and, according to aesthetes the world over, it’s one of the most beautiful and visually striking. Thousands of years of history and culture meet modern amenities and attractions to create a destination that few who visit aren’t entirely captivated by. A pervading sense of chaos comes as part of the package but this only serves to enhance the city’s ambiance as opposed to diminishing it in any way.

Such is the magnificence of downtown Rome that UNESCO saw fit to give it World Heritage site status, elevating its global reputation still further, as if that was at all necessary. The awesome structure that is the Forum presides over the area and tells tales of ancient Rome from the days of the Empire. Within the Forum are sights such as the Temple of Antoninus, the Temple of Saturn, the House of the Vestals and the Arch of Septimus Severus. The magnificent Coliseum, in which gladiators fought for the amusement of the masses, is also to be found here.

Elsewhere, historical sights are numerous and include the Baths of Caracalla, the Pantheon, the Trevi fountains and the Pont Sant’ Angelo bridge. When you’ve had your fill of culture and desire some more indulgent or hedonistic pleasures, then the city’s thriving entertainment scene with its multitude of fine restaurants, cafés, bars and nightclubs is sure to satisfy.


Catacombs of St Domitilla: the city’s oldest catacombs can be enjoyed by personal tour with English speaking guides available to give the low-down on these historic resting places.

Coliseum: no vacation to Rome is complete without a trip to the famous Coliseum, where gladiators fought for their lives to the morbid enjoyment of 50,000 blood-thirsty spectators.

Piazza Navona: among the more popular squares in the city, this one features the famous Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini. Architecturally, little has changed in the square since the 17th century.

Galleria Borghese: among the finest art galleries in the city, here you’ll find splendid works such as Deposition by Raphael, Jerome by Caravaggio, Sacred and Profane Love by Titian and Apollo and Daphne by Bernini.

Pantheon: once a place of pagan worship, this temple dates back to the early days of Rome and is most famous perhaps as the location at which Julius Caesar was murdered.

Basilica di San Pietro: boasting the title of the world’s largest church, this structure epitomizes the talents of the old Renaissance master architects. Inside is a treasure trove of splendid artworks and lavish interior décor.