Situated in the heart of the Philippines archipelago, sleepy Masbate Town is not really an attraction in itself, but makes a good base to explore the nearby islands and beaches.

With a large number of modern hotels, restaurants serving western food and beach resorts, this is a good place to visit if you want to pamper yourself and take advantage of the cool blue waters and powdery white sand. Soaking up the sun on the beach is a popular pastime in this area, so beach bunnies will be well at home in Masbate Town.

There are around 30 different villages to explore around Masbate Town. Although the official language is Masbateno, English is widely understood and taking the time to visit these villages can provide a rare insight into the people of this interesting region of the Philippines.

Getting There & Away

The quickest way to reach Masbate is by plane from Manila (1 hour). There are also jeepneys to all major towns and cities near Masbate and a large cruise ship which stops at Masbate twice a week on its way to places such as Manila, Cebu City and Calbayou, as well as a daily service to Bulan (3 hours).

Things to Do

Masbate Town Attractions

Batongan Cave and underground river

Swimming and spelunking through the waters of this underground river is a popular pastime.

Side trips from Masbate Town

Masbate Island

Ride the ferry to explore this unique and interesting ‘cowboy’ island, where raising cattle is the number one pastime.


Rodeo Filipino

This lively cattle festival sees masbate liven up in late april or early may.