Kupang is the West Timor and East Nusa Tenggara provincial capital. It sits on the southwest tip of West Timor in southern Indonesia and is the main gateway and most interesting city of the region.

Kupang has a sizeable population and facilities, and sea and air transport links are extensive. It was an important trading port during the occupation of Indonesia by both the Portuguese and the Dutch and there are plenty of reminders of their presence in and around town.

Kupang’s attractions are in its surroundings. There are many beaches nearby, while the island of Rote, off the southwest coast, is known for its excellent surf. In addition the beautiful Camplong Forest Area lies about 45kms to the east of Kupang. Yachties will know Kupang well as it is part of the famous Sail Indonesia rally.

Getting There & Away

Flights serve Kupang from all over Indonesia (daily) including from Denpasar (Bali) in 1 hour, 20 minutes, and from Mataram (Lombok). You can also get in direct from Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory. There are two ports near Kupang with ferries coming in from many nearby islands.

Things to Do

Kupang Attractions

East Nusa Tenggara Museum

Features a vast collection of arts and crafts from across the province.

Side trips from Kupang

Rote surfing

The island of rote is a couple hours by ferry from kupang and nemberala in the southwest has superb surf.

Camplong Forest Area

A striking area of the timor countryside has an abundance of animals and accommodation. located to the east of kupang.


Sail Indonesia

An annual event in july with dozens of yachts racing from darwin, via kupang and alor, to finish in singapore.