Catarman is a developing town that sits on the corner of Samar Island and is home to fertile fishing grounds and pretty landscapes.

Catarman is the capital of Northern Samar and is in the process of revamping its decline into a poor town with few tourist amenities to a more attractive holiday destination. There are plenty of caves for visitors to explore and it has been referred to as the caving capital of the Philippines.

The name Catarman means ‘sharp edge’ and refers to the way the town juts out of Northern Samar’s shoulder. The scenery is attractive to look at but there are few things to do in the area apart from caving.

Getting There & Away

Manila is home to the nearest international airport and there are four weekly flights between Catarman and the capital that take 1 hour. There are also buses that run to and from Manila that take a driving time of about 16 hours.

Things to Do

Catarman Attractions

White Beach]]

A beach that is made from particularly soft, white sand and looks out to the san bernardino strait.

Side trips from Catarman

whale watching

there are plenty of opportunities to go on a whale watching tour from the island.


Embajada Festival

A january celebration of christianity and how the filipinos persuaded the spanish conquistadores to embrace the religion.