Victorias Travel Guide

Not usually promoted as a tourist destination, visitors to the city of Victorias will soon be able to see why. Although some might venture here out of pure curiosity, there is really little reason to stay.

Victorias is a place to live rather than visit. Here you will find one of the largest collections of factories in the Philippines, and unless that’s your thing you will soon be wandering off in search of the next bus or jeepney out of the city.

However, the people of Victorias love to celebrate, and the city is a good place to visit during a festival, of which there are many throughout the year. Kadalag-an Festival in March is particularly interesting, and many people try to time their trip to coincide with this celebration.

Getting There & Away

The easiest way to get to Victorias is from Bacolod, which is a 4-hour bus or jeepney ride away. Bacolod has a large airport with regular flights from Manila (1 hour). There are also regular buses to Bacolod from towns and cities such as Sagay (2 hours).

Things to Do

Victorias Attractions

Victorias Milling Company Chapel

The largest sugar refinery in the philippines also has a pretty chapel which houses the world famous mural of the angry christ, painted by international artist alfonso ossorio.


Kadalag-an Festival

Visitors flow to victorias in march to take part in or simply watch this vibrant festival, which features traditional song and dance performances.